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How to improve SEO optimization and website usability.

Methods for increasing traffic and website Usability. SEO Pro Tips

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Urgent and obligatory. Today you will learn exactly HOW to improve SEO optimization and Usability of your site.

In fact, these 17 methods helped increase my site's organic traffic by 21,30% in 3 months:

The best part?

Everything here is working EXCELLENT right now.

1. Get more organic traffic with Snippet Bait.

Over the past few weeks, my site has been ranked 41 various selected fragments.

Look at this:

Improving Traffic Methods and Website Usability. SEO Pro Tips

And this:

Traffic methods to increase and usability of the site. SEO Pro Tips

My optimization secret?

New strategy called "Snippet Bait".

This is how it works:

First find a keyword for which you are already ranked.

Why is it important?

According to AhrefsThe 99,58% featured snippets are taken from the first page results.

So if you are on page 2, you have practically no chance get into the recommended snippet.

For example, here is a page from my sitewhich took up space on page 1.

Usability methods to increase website traffic. SEO Pro Tips

Further, take a look at the Featured Snippet at the top of the SERP:

Website Methods to Increase Traffic and Usability. SEO Pro Tips

And determine what type of featured snippet you are looking at:

  • Definition Fragment ("What is Content Marketing?")
  • Snippet List ("The Top 10 Content Marketing Tools")
  • Fragment of the table ("Prices for the content marketing tool")

Finally, add a piece of content to the page that designed to fit within this Featured Snippet block.

(This is "Snippet Bait")

For example, I wanted to get the keyword "nofollow links" in the Featured Snippet.

So I wrote a small section that would fit perfectly inside the Featured Snippet field:

Tips and Techniques to Increase Website Traffic and Usability. SEO professional

And it worked! After about 2 weeks, the section I was optimizing ended up at the top of the search results.

SEO Methods to Increase Website Traffic and Usability. Professional advice


2. Improve latency with this simple optimization step.

is it optimization Dwell time factor significant for Google rankings?

In my opinion: YES.

After all, if someone quickly bounces off your page, they'll send a clear message to Google: People hate this page.

And they will quickly downgrade it:

Professional Methods to Increase Website Traffic and Usability. SEO Tips

The converse is also true: lowering your bounce rate can improve your Google rankings.

The question is:

How do you stop people from jumping up and down?

Embed video on your page.

For example, I recently compared the bounce rate for sample pages with and without video.

And video pages have a bounce rate 11.2% lowerthan pages without video:

SEO professional advice. Methods to Increase Traffic and Website Usability

This is why I embed videos in almost every new post I write.

Sometimes I make a video a whole step or advice:

SEO professional advice. Methods for increasing traffic and website Usability

Or as a way to learn more about a specific topic:

Professional SEO tips. Methods to Increase Traffic and Website Usability

Which brings us to ...

3. Find low-competition keywords with Ghost Posts.

Here's the truth:

Most Keyword Contest points are DISABLED.

This is because most of them focus on 100% on one metric: backlinks.

Are backlinks important?

Damn yes!

But backlinks are only one piece of the puzzle. The first page rank is also based on:

  • Organic click-through rate
  • Searching Intention
  • Page speed
  • How well does your site perform on mobile devices?
  • Internal links
  • Much more

This is why I ignore most of the keyword ratings right now.

Instead, I use Ghost Posts.

For example:

A few months ago I wanted to rank for the keyword: "Free SEO Tools".

According to Ahrefs, this is the 'Super Hard' keyword for the ranking:

Methods of advice from an SEO Professional. Increase traffic and usability of the site

Instead of giving up, I decided to test the complexity of this keyword with a new technique: "Ghost Post".

Specifically, I quickly posted a post and posted it on the 4th page of my blog.

Enhancing advice from an SEO professional. Traffic Methods and Website Usability

In other words: I did not advertise the post in any way (hence the name: "Ghost Post").

To my surprise, I hacked the first page for long versions of my keyword (like “best free SEO tools”) for a week or so:

Traffic advice from an SEO professional. Methods to improve and usability of the site

And I even started showing up on the first page for my target keyword.

That's when I decided to promote the post on social media:

Usability advice from an SEO professional. Methods to increase website traffic

And give your content a much needed update.

As it turned out, this keyword "Super Hard" was ridiculously easy to find.

In fact, I now rank # 1 for this keyword:

Website advice from an SEO professional. Methods to Increase Traffic and Usability

Even though my page has MOST fewer backlinks than other first page results:

Website traffic and Usability. Methods for Enhancing SEO Professional Tips

(Note: I do not give difficulty points for the Arefa keyword. I'm just showing you another way to figure out keyword difficulty.)

With that, it's time for ...

4. Use sitelinks to boost your organic CTR.

Last year I decided to make Organic CTR top priority.

But I quickly ran into the problem:

In addition to optimization your title and description for clicks, how can you nudge more people to click on your result?


You may already have site links below your result when looking for your brand in Google.

Methods to improve the site. Traffic and Usability Tips from an SEO Professional

As it turns out, you can also get links to all sorts of pages ... from blog posts to e-commerce category pages.

And those links can make a BIG dent in your CTR.

How do you get site links?

Table of contents.

For example, when I posted this postI have added a table of contents with "cross-links" to each tip.

(We created this table of contents in WordPress... But you can easily customize them on any platform).

And once my page hit the top 5, Google hooked me up with links.

Site tips. Methods to Increase Traffic and Usability of an SEO Professional

These links really help you stand out.

In fact, my page has a CTR of 14.9%.

Increase traffic and usability of the site. SEO Pro Tips

5. Want more links? Be the source.

Here's the deal:

People don't link to "great content."

They link to sources.

For example, I published this guide on the Google Search Console last year.

Traffic Methods and Website Usability. SEO Pro Tips

And I'm not afraid to say that he qualifies as “high quality content".

The post is full of actionable tips:

Methods for increasing the Usability of the site. SEO Pro Tips

It even has an individual design:

Methods for increasing website traffic. SEO Pro Tips

Even though this is very solid content, it only contains 159 referring domain links:

Methods to Increase Traffic Usability. SEO Pro Tips

On the other hand, check out this research on voice search that I published around the same time:

Methods for increasing website traffic Usability. SEO professional

Most people would also call this post "great content."

But this piece of content has 764 referencing domain links:

Methods for increasing website traffic Usability. Professional advice

(That's 4.8x more backlinks than in my GSC guide).

What's going on here?

Well, my google search console guide is not easy for someone to link to.

Unless you write about GSC and don't want to send someone to the resource to “learn more,” there is no good reason to refer to my guide.

On the other hand, my research on voice search gives bloggers and journalists data that they can easily refer to.

Methods for increasing website traffic Usability. SEO Tips

Which resulted in hundreds of high quality backlinks.

6. Targeted keywords with big business intent.

When I first started learning keywords, my focus on 100% was search volume.

If a keyword got a bunch of queries, I would say "this is good enough for me!"

Not anymore.

Today, I put a LOT of weight on business intentions.

(In other words: how much are Google Ads advertisers spending on these clicks?)

For example, I recently started targeting keywords like "link building services".

SEO professional. Methods for increasing website traffic Usability.

This keyword doesn't get as many searches:

Professional advice. Methods for increasing website traffic Usability.

But with a CPC of $ 25.00, I know traffic is made up of legitimate buyers:

SEO Tips. Methods for increasing website traffic Usability.

Interesting fact: I published this page as "Ghost Post". As it turns out, "link building services" are MUCH less competitive than most tools claim)

SEO professional advice. Increase Website Traffic Usability.

7. Grab more real estate SERPs with YouTube videos.

Found an AWESOME keyword that's good for you?

Get bonus traffic from this term with YouTube videos.

For example, this post is targeting the keyword "how to get more traffic".

SEO professional advice. Website Usability Traffic Methods.

Unfortunately I am stuck in fifth place.

SEO professional advice. Methods for increasing the Usability of the site.

To make matters worse, I'm limited to 3 video results.

SEO professional advice. Methods for increasing website traffic.

(But am I working on it?)

In the meantime, I decided to create a video on this topic.

SEO professional advice. Usability Traffic Methods

And since I optimized my video correctly, it took up valuable real estate at the top of the Google search results:

website traffic Usability. SEO Pro Tips

8. Rating by keywords "Topic + Statistics".

This is a dirty little secret that websites use to get a lot of backlinks on autopilot.

For example, "Student Loan Hero" has over 21,100 links to its US Student Loan Statistics page:

Methods to improve the site. SEO Pro Tips

Here's how they did it (and why this approach works so well):

Firstly, they defined the topic that bloggers and journalists usually write about.

(In this case, statistics on student loan debt)

Then they created a web page that curated statistics from various sources.

Methods to Increase Usability Traffic from an SEO Professional

Finally, they optimized their title tag, meta description and page around the keyword: Student Loan Debt Statistics.

Which now takes the first page for this term:

Methods for increasing website traffic Usability. Advice

Why does it work so well?

Think about this:

Who is looking for the keywords "Topic + Statistics"?


In particular, journalists are looking for statistics to include in their articles.

And when you evaluate this term, you will be connected to something that will not be tomorrow.

Very cool.

9. Optimize old content for user intent.

I've already talked about how your content matches your search goals.

Increase Website Traffic Usability. SEO professional

But the bottom line is this:

If your site is not what users want, Google won't rate it.

(No matter how many links you have)

But when your page makes Google users happy, you can improve your Google rankings.

For example, I first published this post in 2015:

Methods for increasing website traffic Usability. SEO Pro Tips

As you probably guessed, my target keyword for this page was “SEO Campaign”.

And I quickly cut out a spot in the middle of the first Google page.

So far, so good.

But one day, my rankings and organic traffic started dropping.

Methods for increasing the Usability of the site. SEO Tips

This was not a super priority keyword. So I just ignored the problem and hoped it would go away.

This is not true.

It was then that I realized that my content was AWESOME for the user's intent.

In particular, my post does not describe an SEO campaign. Instead, I talked about one strategy ("Gestography"):

Usability of the site. SEO Pro Tips

Which was a really bad user experience for anyone looking for a detailed SEO campaign)

So I went back to the drawing board. And I rewrote this post from scratch.

This time I have tried to post something that anyone looking for an "SEO campaign" will love.

Of course, these changes have significantly improved our search engine rankings. In fact, the new version of the post now ranks first for this term:

SEO Professional Traffic Boost Methods

10. Content partnerships.

I'm a big fan of content partnerships.


Because it makes promoting your content twice as powerful.

Think about this:

When you post something on your site, you send as many people as possible to your post.

site. SEO Pro Tips

But you are only one person (or company). So your reach is pretty limited.

But when you partner with someone else, BOTH of you sends people to your new content:

Methods to Increase Traffic and Usability

Which doubles the amount of eyeballs, links, and social media you get.

For example, earlier this year, I partnered with BuzzSumo to create this content marketing study.

SEO Pro Tips

And because we both promoted it to our audience, it got a ton of traffic:

SEO professional

11. Reassign content to different formats.

Last year I realized I was making a HUGE mistake.


Every time I sat down to write a new blog post, e-mail newsletter or video script ... I started from scratch.

Which meant that sometimes it took me 14 days to complete one blog post.

That's when I realized something ...

I already had tons of content on my YouTube channel. Content that people loved.

So I decided to base my next blog post on a popular video from my channel: a video on how to get more subscribers on YouTube.


It took a while to turn my video into a blog post.

increase traffic and usability of the site. SEO Tips

But it was 10x faster than starting with a blank Google Doc.

The best part?

My post is EXCELLENT.

This post brings 15 701 search engine visitors per month.

Traffic Methods and Website Usability. Professional advice

And it is currently in the top 3 for my target keyword:

Methods for increasing the Usability of the site. SEO

Which is pretty cool.

12. Doubling the broken link.

I have already published the Broken Link Building tutorial.

So I'm not going to repeat myself here again.

Instead, I'm going to show how I used the Broken Link Building to get this nice backlink:

increasing website traffic. SEO Pro Tips

Firstly, I searched my site for content that I KNEW that people would want to link to. And I chose this guide CRO:

Traffic Methods and Website Usability. SEO professional

Further I found a site that wrote about content marketing. And pasted my homepage URL into Ahrefs.

Methods to improve and usability of the site. Professional advice

And clicked "Outbound Links" → "Broken Links":

Methods for increasing website traffic. SEO Tips

Which showed me all the broken external links of this site:

increase traffic and usability of the site. SEO professional

When I found a broken link that looked like my guide, I reached out to the person who runs their blog. I let them know about my broken link and suggested my content as a replacement:

Traffic Methods and Website Usability. Professional advice

And as I increased the value of my work, they happily contacted me:

Methods for increasing the Usability of the site. SEO Tips

That's all there is to it.

13. Find opportunities for backlinks with Link Intersect.

It's no secret that reverse engineering is a great link building strategy.

But this is not ideal.

In the end, let's say you found a site that just linked to your competitor.

You have no idea if this site links to them because they already have a relationship, they just sent an awesome email ... or a million other reasons.

But when you look at who is contacting MULTIPLE competitors, a lot of guesswork goes out of the equation.

(After all, what are the odds that a site has a great relationship with three different sites?)

This is where Link Intersect comes into play.

To use it, start up good old man Aref and enter three domains into their Link Crossing tool:

Methods for increasing website traffic. Advice

And make sure your site is in the "But not link to" box:

traffic and usability of the site. SEO professional

And voila!

You will see everyone who links to these 3 sites ... but does not link to you.

Site Usability Methods. Professional advice

And if your site publishes better quality content than your competitors, chances are good that those readers will link to you as well.

14. Target new keywords.

Want to find popular keywords with low competition?

Of course you can)



Target NEW keywords.

I will explain…

Most keywords are competitive for the simple reason that there are many sites out there trying to rank them.

But when you choose new terms, you are competing with fewer people.

This means that you can often make your way to the top of the search results.

For example, last summer I created a guide optimized for the growing term Voice Search:

Methods to improve the site. SEO Tips

Since the term "Voice Search" was relatively new (especially compared to old school keywords in my niche like "link building"), my management cracked the bottom of the first page within a week.

And it currently ranks on the first page of Google for that term:

Usability of the site. SEO professional

15. Use conceptual visuals.

It's a way to get quality backlinks WITHOUT the need for outreach.

In fact, I used this approach to get links like this:

Site Methods. Professional advice

And this:

Promotion methods. SEO Tips

All without a single email.

With that, here are the steps:

First, create an AWESOME visual that helps people understand a complex concept or idea.

It can be a graph, chart, visualization, or table.

Here's an example:

site. SEO professional

Then add the visual to your content.

 site. Professional advice

And if the right person sees your image, they'll use it on their site:

 site. SEO Tips

Rinse and repeat for every post you post.

Pro Tip: focus on creating visuals for new themes. Thus, you will be one of the few sites with a quality image of this theme.

16. Use industry glossaries for key ideas.

Want creative keyword ideas?

Check out industry glossaries.

For example, this nutritional glossary covers over 100 different terms:

SEO professional. traffic and usability of the site

You can copy these keywords into a spreadsheet.

Or use them as starting keywords and paste them into your keyword research tool.

Either way, glossaries are an AWESOME way to find new key ideas.

Pro tip: Paste the glossary URL into Google Keyword Planner for a mega-list of keyword suggestions:

SEO professional. Methods to improve the site.

17. Get backlinks from content curators.

Most people struggle with outreach because they ship trash like this:

SEO professional. Methods to Increase Traffic and Usability

There are a lot of things wrong with this email.

But the biggest problem is that I have no place on my site where a link to their content makes sense.

So I clicked Delete.

This person would be much more fortunate if he turned to a content curator.

Content curators are what they sound like: people who curate the best things in their industry.

For example, you might see the SEO Marketing Center I created a few months ago:

Well, since I got my content in front of the content curators, I was able to get a few links to my site, for example:

Without twisting your arms.

Bonus # 1: Search for keywords with a question.

QuestionDB is like answering the public.

SEO Methods to Increase Website Usability.

But in my opinion it is a little better.


First of all, it's MUCH easier to use.

Unlike Answer to the Public, with crazy diagrams and pictures of some bearded dude, the questions are laid out in a simple spreadsheet.

SEO methods to increase website traffic

And since QuestionDB focuses on the questions people ask on Reddit, you might find ideas for keywords and topics that most other tools won't show you.

SEO Methods to Increase Traffic and Usability

Bonus # 2: Rating for Trademark Terms of Use.

Low competition.

Large volume.

Great CPC.

I'm talking about brand terms.

For example, look at these two keywords:

SEO Increase Website Usability.

Correct: Mailchimp is searched in 280 times more than "email marketing software".

And it's the same story with most of the categories:

A brand gets more requests than a topic or category.

(One big disadvantage of targeting brand names is that you never become number 1. But it can still be worth it)

This is why I started posting content designed to rank for brands.

For example, I have this BuzzStream post on my site.

Techniques of SEO Professional's Tips to Increase Website Traffic and Usability Française |

Not only is my page rated "BuzzStream Review":

Professional Methods of Increasing Traffic

But it also ranks first on the first page of the popular brand keyword “BuzzStream”.

SEO Tips and Website Usability

Now your turn…

I hope today's article has shown you how to improve your SEO ranking.

Now I want to pass this on to you:

Which of the 17 SEO strategies in today's post are you going to try first?

Are you going to target brand keywords?

Or maybe you want to try Snippet Bait.


✔️ Do I need to add a video to the page?

We recommend adding. Adding video reduces the number of bounces by 10%.

✔️ How to get external links for free?

Be a source of information. People don't link to pages with non-unique information.

✔️ How to write more articles on your blog?

Use the content that you have for example in a video blog and just write an article based on it.

✔️ How to get to the TOP by queries?

Do not use keywords for which there is high competition. See trends and pick popular queries from them.

✔️ How can I improve the site's usability?

Here are some helpful tips to improve the usability of your site.
Provide simple commands and functions.
Make navigation easy.
Prioritize website usability over creativity.
Provide fast downloads.
Meet customer needs.
Be mindful of the user's intent.
Set the appropriate internal links.
Highlight important elements.
Customize your site to work with different devices.

✔️ What's the best way to optimize your website SEO?

Analyze all the data on your site.
Do a thorough keyword research.
Create long and valuable content.
Optimize for on-page SEO.
Optimize for third party SEO.
Optimize your site for mobile devices.
Speed up pages.
Get quality backlinks.

✔️ How can I optimize my site's source code for SEO?

Use better link building.
Use link building.
Use a title tag.
Don't spam your code with keywords.
Resolve canonical URL tag issues.
Create an XML sitemap.
Use anchor text.
Apply alternative text for images.

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