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AB testing

Best Cases of the Internet Market

How To Increase Your Conversion Rate 5 Proven Tips

How do I increase my conversion rate? 5 proven tips.

The digital world is becoming more complex and crowded. It is getting harder and harder to achieve high conversions. People are looking for options. You are competing with anyone who creates content in the same space as you.

Successful Usability Testing: 6 Easy Steps

Site usability testing methods.

User testing is a key component in developing and launching a great digital product. It is important to check whether the web resource is convenient at all stages of its creation. This can be understood by tracking how users interact with the product in a realistic setting. This way you can see exactly what works and what doesn't.


Usability testing of sites.

From e-commerce to banking apps and healthcare systems and everything. Users expect it to work for any interaction, on any possible platform, and

Examples and results of AB testing sites

The effectiveness of A / B tests. 3 examples of AB testing.

Neil Patel co-founded Crazy Egg in 2005. It is used to analyze 300,000 websites. Applies heatmaps, scrollmaps, referral cards, and custom entries. They will learn what to fix with a WYSIWYG editor. And they test new ideas using a reliable tool - the A / B test.

Tools for A / B and A / B / n site testing

Tools and methods for A / B and A / B / n site testing.

From testing the wrong things to the wrong A / B tests, people don't get the desired result when testing their site. In fact, there are many nuances in which a beginner can be mistaken. Therefore, it is necessary to approach A / B testing responsibly.

7 principles of UX design

UX / UI principles of web design.

User experience design or UX is what site builders apply from user experience. This includes the entire product creation process, including aspects of branding, design, usability and functionality.

ux design 15 key rules

15 rules of UI / UX design.

User experience is a vast discipline. Anyone who practices UX design should have skills in many different areas. While it is impossible to summarize all the useful information in one article, it is still possible to highlight the most important rules. It's important for them to follow every UX designer to create people-friendly websites.

Bayesian AB testing a more calculating approach to version checking

Bayesian A / B testing.

Until recently, I thought there was only one kind of A / B test. Then I met another version of it. This technique is called Bayesian A / B testing, and if you want a more specific tactical approach to testing ads, this might be the answer.

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